Mountain Dew Amp: How much Caffeine, Sugar and Calories

The Mountain Dew Amp is a Mountain Dew version of an energy drink, and it includes more caffeine than any other Mountain Dew product on the market, so we wanted to find out how much caffeine, sugar, and calories are in one can!

Summary of the Article, if you don’t have enough time to read:

  • Caffeine: 142 mg
  • Sugar: 58 g
  • Calories: 220


The coffee contains caffeine, and almost everyone consumes it to stay awake for the day. But coffee isn’t the only thing with caffeine. There are some other beverages like energy drinks.

There are some soft drinks with really high caffeine, such as the Mountain Dew Amp.

Here you will learn about the Mountain Dew Amp Caffeine, Sugar, Calories and how much you should drink benefit most from this energy drink.

How much Caffeine Does Mountain Dew Amp Contain?

The Mountain Dew Amp contains 142 mg caffeine which is more than many energy drinks. This caffeine is more than any other Mountain Dew product on the market.

The reason is that Mountain Dew has most soft drinks than energy drinks.

How many Cans of Mountain Dew Amp Can you drink a day?

The FDA suggests drinking up to 400 mg of caffeine per adult. So if you drink two cans of this drink a day, you will still be within limits. But you should also know that the sugar in this drink is too much, such as 58 mg caffeine, so if you do not want to consume enough sugar in the day, you should limit it to one can a day.

Studies suggest that caffeine increases mental focus, alertness, endurance, and possibly even strength.

What is a Good time to Drink Energy Drink?

People have different times to drink energy drinks with high caffeine. Some people prefer drinking early in the morning to get much more boost for the day. But it isn’t the right time. The best time is to drink after 9:00 AM and before 11:30 AM. Because when you wake up early, you have the natural boost. So drinking high caffeinated drinks would make it waste the caffeine boost. So it is better not to drink too early.

How much caffeine is healthy and required for different age limits?

Not everyone drinks too much caffeine. Mostly, people of different ages drink more or less coffee. The FDA suggests drinking up to 400 mg of caffeine per adult. The limits are based on their age.

So the 12 to 18 should drink no more than 100 mg caffeine a day.

If the person is younger than that, shouldn’t drink high caffeine drinks.

What foods to prevent before and after drinking the Energy Drinks?

There are different foods to avoid if you want to drink high-energy drinks. Here are some foods to avoid:

  • Regular food will make the body absorb caffeine much slower.
  • For example, pizza with cheese and meats will make you feel full for a long time, so it would be much harder to consume too many caffeine drinks. The eggs with some bread or cereals also help your body absorb less caffeine.
  • It can cause weight gain if people drink a lot of Mountain Dew Amp in one day.

How long does it take for Mountain Dew Amp to work?

This drink has a lot of caffeine. It can take 45 minutes for the drink to be in the blood. This energy drink can keep you awake for 5 to 6 hours, depending on its caffeine.


When you find an energy drink or any drink ready to serve beverage, chances are, there is sugar in the drink. But if you want a sugar-free drink, many manufacturers have sugar-free alternatives.

How Much Sugar Does Mountain Dew Amp Have?

The drink has 58 mg of sugar, more than some iced teas, milk, and other soft drinks.

The FDA suggests having less sugar in one day.

Is Sugar Suitable for the Diabetics?

No. If you have diabetes, then you should not consume drinks with sugar. So it would be best if you searched for alternative beverages.

How many Calories does Mountain Dew Amp Contain?

The drink has 220 calories per can.

Some people might think that the drink is not healthy because of this calorie content, but it also contains a lot of caffeine which we know helps increase mental focus and alertness while keeping you awake longer than usual.

There is a lot of sugar in this drink, but if you do not want to consume too much sugar during the day, you should limit your drinking.


So you learned about caffeine, sugar, and calories of Mountain Dew Amp. Here you will learn about flavors, benefits, comparison, pros, and cons:

What are the Flavors in this Mountain Dew Amp?

There are some flavors in the Mountain Dew Amp. Here are these flavors with the caffeine content:

  • Amp Original: 142 mg
  • Amp Cherry Blast: 160 mg
  • Amp Strawberry Limade: 156 mg
  • Amp Tropical Punch: 160 mg

What are some Benefits of drinking Mountain Dew Amp?

The Mountain Dew Amp contains much more caffeine than other Mountain Dew Drinks. Here are its benefits:

  • It gives a boost of energy
  • Provides natural and artificial flavors
  • Has the calories to make people feel full for longer periods
  • It contains caffeine which is helpful if you are feeling tired or have trouble sleeping.

Mountain Dew Amp Pros and Cons:

There are many good things about this energy drink. Here are its pros and cons:


  • The Mountain Dew AMP has 142 caffeine per can to keep you awake for at least 5 to 6 hours so that you can do different things.
  • When drinking this energy drink, you may think if it is a soft drink, so you enjoy the taste and get the caffeine boost at the same time.


  • This drink contains 58 g of sugar, which is too much than many drinks.

Some Questions and Answers:

So in this article, you learned about the Mountain Dew Amp caffeine, sugar, calories, flavors, benefits, its comparison, pros, and cons. But you may still have some questions. Here are some questions and answers to help you more:

When was the Mountain Dew Amp founded?

It was founded in 2008.

Who makes the Mountain Dew Amp?

PepsiCo makes these drinks.


So in this article, you learned about the Mountain Dew Amp Caffeine Content.

Here are key takeaways from this article:

  • The Mountain Dew Amp contains 142 mg caffeine to keep you awake for the day.
  • It has 58 g of sugar, which can be too much for many people, like diabetics.
  • This drink has 220 calories which can be too much if you try specific diets and weight loss exercises, so you should find some alternative beverages.


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