AHA Sparkling Water: How much Caffeine, Sugar, and Calories

Do you love AHA Sparkling Water? A lot of people do! If you are one of those AHA water fans, you must know what AHA can do for your health. This article explains the caffeine, sugar, and calories of the AHA Sparkling Water.

Summary of the Article, if you don’t have enough time to read:

  • Caffeine: 30 mg
  • Sugar: 0 g
  • Calories: 0

AHA Sparkling Water Caffeine:

Caffeine plays an essential role in keeping you awake when tired after your work or workout.

How much Caffeine Does AHA Sparkling Water Contain?

The Caffeine in the AHA Sparkling water is only 30 mg. It has lower caffeine than coffee and tea, but still enough to give you that boost of energy for your daily routine.

It has lower caffeine than coffee and tea, but still enough to give you that boost of energy for your daily routine.

This means you can enjoy it over time without worrying about getting addicted to consuming too much caffeine.

How many Cans of AHA Sparkling Water Can you drink a day?

The FDA suggests drinking up to 400 mg of caffeine per adult. The 30 mg of Caffeine in one can is less than half of the FDA limit.

This means you can drink up to four cans of AHA Sparkling water a day and can still be within limits, but caffeine isn’t the only thing in this drink, so you should make sure not to drink too many of these cans.

Studies suggest that caffeine increases mental focus, alertness, endurance, and possibly even strength.

What is a Good time to Drink Energy Drink?

The best time should be from 9:00 AM to 11:30 because that is the time you need the most boost of caffeine. If you drink the caffeinated drink too early, you already have the natural boost, so that the caffeine boost would be wasted.

How much caffeine is healthy and required for different age limits?

The FDA suggests 400 mg caffeine for an adult. But other age people shouldn’t drink that much caffeine. For example, a person aged 12 to 18 should drink up to 100 mg of caffeine daily. If the person is younger than that age, shouldn’t drink high caffeinated drinks, but the AHA Sparkling Water is low caffeine drink, such as 30 mg caffeine which is low than tea or coffee, so there wouldn’t be specific limits for any age people

What foods to prevent before and after drinking the Energy Drinks?

If you drink high caffeinated drinks, you would have to avoid several foods before and after drinking the beverages. But the AHA Sparkling Water is a low caffeine drink such as 30 mg, so you don’t need to worry about any foods.

However, if the person drinks high caffeinated drinks over time without break periods, it will cause addiction and withdrawal symptoms. So make sure not to consume too many of these cans.

How long does it take for AHA Sparkling Water to work?

If you drink a high caffeine energy drink, it can significantly impact keeping you awake. But the AHA Sparkling water is a low caffeine drink so that it won’t have the same impact as coffee or tea.

The AHA Sparkling Water will give you a boost of energy for your daily routine after hours and days when you consume these cans regularly.

AHA Sparkling Water Sugar:

Whether it is an energy drink or a soft drink, sugar has been used in these for a long time. But not everyone likes to drink sugary drinks because of their diet restrictions or because they are diabetic people.

How Much Sugar Does AHA Sparkling Water Have?

The sugar in AHA Sparkling water is 0 g.

The FDA limits the sugar consumption of a person to 36 g per day for men and 25 g sugar for women. So one can of this drink has less than half that amount. This means you would be able to consume four cans and still fall within those guidelines for your diet or diabetes-friendly lifestyle.

Does this Drink Contain any Sweeteners?

No. It doesn’t contain any sweeteners.

How many Calories does AHA Sparkling Water Contain?

The sugar content and calories of AHA Sparkling water are 0 g and 0, respectively. This means that you can enjoy a refreshing drink without worrying about the sugar, calories, and caffeine content.

AHA Sparkling Water Review:

So you learned about caffeine, sugar, and calories of AHA Sparkling Water. Here you will learn about flavors, benefits, comparison, pros, and cons:

What are the Flavors in this AHA Sparkling Water?

The AHA Sparkling water has many flavors which you may enjoy. It has some caffeinated drinks and some drinks are without caffeine. Here are these:


  • Citrus + Green Tea (30 mg)
  • Black Cherry + Coffee (30 mg)

Without Caffeine:

  • Lime + Watermelon
  • Orange + Grapefruit
  • Blueberry + Pomegranate
  • Strawberry + Cucumber
  • Peach + Honey
  • Apple + Ginger

What are some Benefits of drinking AHA Sparkling Water?

There are some benefits of the AHA Sparkling water:

  • Low caffeine drink
  • low sugar and calorie content. So you don’t need to worry about your diet or diabetes-friendly lifestyle while drinking the AHA Sparkling Water.
  • There are many flavors of AHA Sparkling water that you may enjoy.
  • This drink has 0 sugar and 0 calories.

AHA Sparkling Water Pros and Cons:

There are many good things about this drink. Here are some pros and cons of the AHA Sparkling Water:


  • The AHA Sparkling water has 30 mg caffeine which is lower than tea or coffee.
  • This drink has 0 sugar and 0 calories, making it great for people with different diets.


  • There aren’t many cons to explain.

Some Questions and Answers:

So in this article, you learned about the AHA Sparkling Water caffeine, sugar, calories, flavors, benefits, its comparison, pros, and cons. But you may still have some questions. Here are some questions and answers to help you more:

When was the AHA Sparkling Water founded?

These drinks were made in 2006.

Who makes the AHA Sparkling Water?

Coca-Cola North America makes these drinks.


So in this article, you learned about the AHA Sparkling Water Caffeine Content.

Here are key takeaways from this article:

  • The AHA Sparkling Water contains 30 mg caffeine which is too low.
  • The AHA Sparkling water has 0 sugar and 0 calories. This means you will be able to drink these drinks without worrying about the effects of caffeine or diet restrictions.
  • There are many flavors in this drink which can make it more interesting for people with different tastes. They have some caffeinated beverages, and some drinks are without caffeine.


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